
8 Tips for Sharing the Space in Your RV

“Move over!” “Where are my shoes?” “I need more space!” Conversations like these can likely be heard in an RV. RVing is a pleasant way to travel and see the country with your family however it also doesn’t afford you a ton of space. So here are some tips to help you navigate the tight space in a RV and help you have a fun, relaxing and stress free RV trip, whether you are a full time RVer or a weekend vacationer.  

Tip #1 Mutual Respect is Key

Respecting each others space in the RV can dissolve many of the issues. Have your own designated
areas for belongings and respect those areas. Keeping your area clean and tidy can also help to avoid frustration with one another.

less is more 

Tip #2 Less is more

Over packing your RV means less space for you to live in. Try packing only 2-3 days of food and clothes. Many RV parks have washing machines available to you for laundry. Purchasing food on the road as you need it will also save you lots of storage space.



storage containers create space

 Tip #3 Get organized

Assign places for key items and if you use them make sure to return them to their place. Agree with your family where things will be, this will help your RV stay tidy and organized. Utilize all the storage space available in your RV. Storage containers can help in assigning places to your items and keeping them in order. Resolve to put things back in their designated spot immediately after use.

Planning meals ahead of time can also help take the stress of having to decide on what to eat on the road.  Before your trip, preparing vegies that can be hard to store whole, (think water melon, long celery stalks) can save you time and space. Consider grilling outside whenever possible.  Keep counter space at an optimum by washing and putting away dishes right away.


Tip #4 Take breaks

When the family is cranky and tired no one is having fun. So take driving breaks don’t try to overdrive this will just lead to frustration of the driver and everyone else. Try to keep your travel to about 350 miles a day or less. If possible plan your arrival times to you destination during the day. Late check-ins are more difficult and stressful. Checking in before dark is also more considerate of your RV neighbors who may already be asleep.



Tip #5  Give your pets a space

When organizing your RV set up a space for any pets that you will be traveling with. Whether it's a kennel or a corner of the sofa, set up a spot with their "blankey" and a few favorite toys.  We often forget that our pets enjoy having their own space to relax in. This will also keep them from roaming about in your limited space.



Tip #6 Go on an adventure

When you do arrive at your destination go exploring. Find local places that the whole family will enjoy. With a little research you can find local gems including restaurants and attractions. Ask the RV park staff where they would recommend you visit. They may have great recommendations for you to check  out.


Tip #7 Beware of the souvenir trap

With the limited space in an RV you will want to avoid going overboard in the souvenirs you purchase. If however you can't live without another snow globe or coffee mug from you recent vacation spot consider shipping them home. This will save you space in your RV without having to leave behind your new found treasures.

Keeping the peace  

Tip #8 Keep the Peace

Living in a tight space there are going to be small disagreements. If so remember to forgive one another and move on. Don’t let those small disagreements ruin your wonderful vacation. If you are wrong (or even if you're not) apologize and help each other to let it go. 

These tips will help you to enjoy your cozy RV with your family while seeing and visiting beautiful places throughout the country, finding quiet hidden gems such as Hidden Valley RV Park along the way.

Do you have any more tips for sharing a tight RV space share them below in the comments?


Contributed by Bethany Castillo. 
Bethany enjoys writing about a variety of topics including travel, animals and food. She is also an avid reader of magazines, 
novels, and blogs.  

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