
33 Ways to Stay Creative

No matter whether we are lawyers, authors, homemakers, artists or retired full or part time RV travelers, keeping creativity in our lives is a challenge.  Many find creativity in writing, painting or even gardening but what if you just don't feel like being creative?  How can you get that spark back or fire it up a notch?
33 ways to stay creative, word cloud

You may have seen this list, it's been passed around the internet more than a few times but I really like it because it doesn't really address the creative possibilities we have but rather ways to inspire our creative juices no matter what niche we are in.  The best thing about lists is that you can scratch out what doesn't apply to you and add personal thoughts that fit your style or wishes.  For example: don't know about you but #8, "singing in the shower" would have NOTHING to do with me getting a creative fire burning but I might add in it's a novel or view a tutorial or search through Pinterest Boards.

I also love this list because of points like #5, "be other worldly" and #24 "break the rules."  Both points could mean many different things to each individual.  Other worldly: as in India, Africa OR as in the inner world of say an autistic friend or the inner musings in the mind of your grandson?  Break the rules: as in the laws of the land your living in OR your personal rules for living OR even testing out "rules" to verify their wisdom or lack of?  Actually the full time RV lifestyle is a prime example of "breaking the rules," the society's rule of settling down by the time you retire or living in the "sticks and bricks" house of your dreams.

This list could be called simplistic but sometimes that's what we need to expand our mold and widen out our inventiveness.  So with out further ado, here is the list.  Any ways you employ to stay creative?  Please share them with us in the comments.

33 ways to stay creative list

Teri Blaschke is the RV Park operator of family owned HiddenValley RV Park in San Antonio, TX and writer of the park blog “A Little Piece of Country in San Antonio.” Teri contributes to various other blogs with a focus on either travel or social media and how it relates to the outdoor hospitality industry but her passion is serving the RV travel community by providing a memorable RV camping experience and growing the Hidden Valley RV family.  Connect with , Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter@HiddenValleyRV and our RV Country Daily Magazine and don't forget to Say hello to the voice of Hidden Valley 

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